Friday 19 August 2016

...and there's more.

These are retraps generated by Stefan's visit in early July.

2608101 ringed 30.07.2006, recaptured 04.07.2016 3627 days old.
2611701 ringed 23.07.2007, recaptured 04.07.2016 3269 days old.

One bird from 2010 ?where are the rest?
2658426 ringed 20.07.2010, so 2177 days old at least.

Four birds were caught originally ringed in 2011 making them c1800 days old.
Two birds from 2012, c1440 days old, four from 2013 (1046-1070 days old), ten from 2014 (704-708 days) and nineteen from 2015 (326-330 days old).

In addition (this year) we caught two birds from the Bache partnership, which they originally ringed in 2015 and another five from their visit earlier this year. We also recaptured two birds that Stefan had ringed this year.

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