Tuesday 30 December 2008

Two bits of news in one day.

Firstly forward planning has hit new heights! Our trip for next year, that's right next year, starts on the 25th July - hurrah. Dust off those smelly bird bags and check out the new tent and we'll be away.
Second BB arrived today and with it was an article stating that Madeiran Storm-Petrels were seen following chumming in the Bay of Biscay. So, forget the mercaptoethanol and lets get in the blood, guts and smelly fish instead (or maybe just a pair of Kenny's socks!).

AND see:
the item under Armistice Day. We'll have to adopt this on behalf of the War Graves Commission.

Image borrowed from http://www.art-from-viewpoints.co.uk/ Stuart Mingham Copyright.

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