Monday 6 August 2007

Third Team - Kenny's stats

Sunday 22nd until Thur 24th July. Generally dry(ish) but extremely wet underfoot. The passing storms, fortunately, did not infringe on any ringing activities. During our stay we managed: two Snipe (both mist-netted at camp site), three Great Skua including one darviced (photo shows nest and cold egg), twelve Shag - even though we had been informed they had all been ringed (ha), two Swallow, and five Mipits including two pulli.
We ringed 640 Stormies (including one Norwegian and one Lisbon control) and retrapped 187 (total 827) and took wings and weights, and some poo and vomit samples, from over 200.
Team consisted of: Kenny 'The Don' McNiffe; Tony 'leave me alone I'm ill' Ormond; John - a Nan Ron virgin Blundell, Brian 'let's stop and have a little snack' (and I really must post a picture of Brian in his wet weather gear); Sherpa's /workhorses 'Kenny please let me carry all your gear' Bob and Alan, and finally veterans Colin and Ann (who couldn't take any more and left a day early).

Picture shows Kenny's last and John's first Shag!

Some where in this picture is a juvenile Dunlin and someone who shall be nameless playing at being a 'bovine' in order to try and capture said Dunlin. It was never caught - the rest of us were so creased laughing it was doomed to failure!

Just to prove it didn't rain all the time.

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