Saturday, 14 November 2015

Treshnish Isles controls

As ringers submit there ringing records for the year more controls turn up, these three from the Treshnish Isles.

2700717 Ringed ENR 01.08.2014 Recaptured Fladda Treshnish Isles 03.07.15
366 days 259km 209d

2681051 Ringed ENR 23.07.2012 Recaptured Lunga Treshnish Isles 03.07.15
1075 days, 262km 209d

2682765  Ringed ENR 01.08.2012 Recaptured Lunga Treshnish Isles 01.07.15
699 days 262km 209d

Results from a September Trip

A quick visit by members of the Birmingham contingent occurred over mid-September. From two nights, 14th and 15th, twenty-two recaptures of birds we originally ringed were made. Interestingly none were from 2015 (so where had all these birds gone?). Sixteen birds were from 2014, three from 2013, one from 2012, and one 2641463 originally ringed in 2009.

There was one late retrap from earlier in the year.
2673176 Ringed ENR 17.07.15 recaptured ENR 13.08.15